Codercamp S18e05

May 9, 2018   6:30pm to 9:00pm
Upstairs @ The Pheasant Plucker - 20 Augusta Street


This month is brought to you by the letter D.

Kevin Quan will finish up our SOLID principles series with a talk about the Dependency Inversion Principle. Kevin is a software developer at Population Health Research Institute (PHRI). He is crazy about Shiba Inus and dogs in general.

Dave Smith-Hayes will give a quick talk about why soft skills are important to a software developer, or any other person in a technical field. Dave is a web developer at Mabel’s Labels here in Hamilton, as well as a part time audio engineer, music producer, and stand up comedian.

We are always looking for speakers or lightning talks. If you would like to talk, get in touch with Bryan Poetz (@bpoetz) or Rob Prouse (@rprouse).


Interested in giving a presentation? You can show up on the evening and hope there is time for your talk, or you can email and we’ll add you to the list of scheduled talks.

Please register. If enough people are coming then we need to tell the bar to bring in another staff member.