Codercamp S17e01

Jan 11, 2017   6:30pm to 9:00pm
Upstairs @ The Pheasant Plucker - 20 Augusta Street


AJ Bovaird (@ajbovaird) will show us how to use F# and Fable to create a React web app without writing any Javascript.

Rob Prouse (@rprouse) and Bryan Poetz (@bpoetz) will lead a discussion about the future format of CoderCamp. Bring your ideas about what types of presentations you would like to see and thoughts on changes we can make to the format.


Interested in giving a presentation? You can show up on the evening and hope there is time for your talk, or you can email and we’ll add you to the list of scheduled talks.

Please register. If enough people are coming then we need to tell the bar to bring in another staff member.